A downloadable bad game :) for Windows

Oh no, Patchouli was supposed to have a date with Alice but she has gone missing and didn't even take Shanghai or Hourai with her. Team up with her two dolls and find out where she has disappeared to.

Travel through three stages and fight three bosses to get to the bottom of what is happening.


  • [LMB] Click and drag left mouse button to select units
  • [RMB] Right mouse click will do a move/attack command
  • [Q,W,E,R] Uses current units ability. Activate once to see the range and again to use the ability.
  • [A] Changes cursor mode to attack mode for one click. Doing a left click will make selected units attack the closest enemy.
  • [S]  Stops all commands on selected units.
  • [1 - 5] Keys 1 through 5 are your control groups. Pressing it will change your selected units to the control group.
  • [CTRL] +  [1 - 5]  Pressing CTRL and any key 1 to 5 will set your selected units to that control group.
  • [Z] Dialog button
  • [ESC] pause

Bugs and stuff:

  • Units can sometimes get stuck together.
  • Medicines 3rd spell lags for some reason???
  • String passive being wonky and not working much.
  • No SFX because uuuh.

All made by Kontsu


Desolate_threads.zip 31 MB

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